
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


In response to user feedback, we've overhauled the process of handling multiple reservations for single items, making it more intuitive and efficient. Now, for items with a quantity greater than 1, managing multiple reservations is a breeze with our new dedicated reservations page.
What's New
Centralized Reservations Page
We've introduced a dedicated page where you can seamlessly oversee all individual reservations for a specific item.
Clear Status Updates
Each reservation is accompanied by a clear status indicator, guiding you through the process effortlessly. Here's what you can expect:
  • Item Reception: Mark the item as received to signal its arrival.
  • Express Gratitude: Send a heartfelt thank-you message via our customizable cards, or opt to mark it as thanked offline.
  • Reservation Completion: Easily finalize the reservation process, ensuring seamless transactions.
This streamlined approach empowers you to stay organized and promptly address each reservation, enhancing the overall user experience.
Business accounts
Giftwhale is now the ultimate wishlist solution for any organisation or charity seeking to streamline their fundraising efforts and increase donations.
Read more on our dedicated business and charity wish list page
Add your shipping address
You now have the option to add a shipping address to any of your wish lists. Each wish list can have a separate address, should you need it.
All you need to do is go to the 'Edit' menu on your wish list, and you'll see a new set of options for displaying your shipping address.
Privacy controls
You can select who can see your shipping address, regardless of your wishlist's own privacy settings. So if you want your wish list to be public, but you only want to show your address to your Giftwhale friends, we got you!
We've removed chat
The option to add a page for friends and family to chat on your wish lists has been removed. This feature was not used widely so we have decided to remove it so we can focus on other areas of the application.
Disable reservations
You can now disable reservations on a list by list basis. This is useful if you want to temporarily disable the ability for people to reserve items, or if you just want to show a list of items and don't actually want to receive them.
Disable chat
Chat can now be disabled for each list.
Customise when you can see an item is reserved
You can now choose whether you see reserved items on your list immediately, 14 days after someone reserves it, or after the due date. This gives more flexibility for different ways to use Giftwhale.
Verified accounts
Verified accounts now have an updated verification badge on the profile page.